2 years ago

On the day of the assassination, the grassy knoll sniper theory was physically staged as an alternative to the Oswald trajectory. This was done to compartmentalize conspiracy theories and control/cripple future questioning of the investigation. The very same methods were used for 9/11 and other major staged events throughout history.

The Zapruder Film was held onto from 1963 to 1970. It was then shown to the public for the first time in 1970 after it was carefully (with the technology at the time), altered. This was done to omit the motorcade physically rolling to a stopped position (which was necessary for the success of the sniper teams). An analysis of the number of snipers involved can be estimated when accounting for the number of bullets recovered at the scene. 13~ Bullets

The origin of the shots were from the train resting in a stopped position (possibly atop or inside of the train box cars). This train was situated over the bridge at Dealey Plaza and faced in the opposite direction from Oswald's view, and further back than the grassy knoll. The train then left the scene immediately after the shooting. It was also not included in the photo documentation used for the official investigation.

The Train

This is the only scenario that accounts for all of the witnesses, photo/video evidence, and physical anomalies at the scene. A clear historical timeline of control over the Zapruder Film was necessary to test the public, as the government successfully tricked the public with fake/manipulated footage (just one year after the moon landing).

Jackson, C. D. (Charles Douglas), 1902-1964

C. D. Jackson played a major war at the end of WW2 with the Psychological Warfare Division. He then went on to work with Life Magazine (which purchased the Zapruder Film).

The Psychological Warfare Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force: An Account of its Operations in the Western European Campaign, 1944-1945
I recommend this book for anyone wishing to understand War, Psyops, and Gov Mind Control.

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