3 Things The Internet Had To Say: Kratom Overdose

2 years ago

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The Overdose Case

It's been nearly a year since the young man from Perish, LA was found dead in his home. The news articles that covered the story mentioned several things, one that there was only kratom found in his system, the second was that nothing else was found. Atleast at the time that's how it was reported. The young man's parents have filed a lawsuit against OPMS for the wrongful death of their son.

A month ago I covered the story as well, since then little has changed. I spoke with an employee at OPMS briefly and was told no information is being shared with anyone below executive management. As the internal investigation continues we may soon find out what OPMS has to say about it.

The Internet's Opinion

I have been following along the comments section of my upload from a month ago. I've noticed many people are engaging in the topic, users and non-users which is great. I have dropped some comments as well, most notably the one mentioning "People should keep an open mind and listen to both sides respectfully, if all one side cares about is being right then both sides lost." That was in another video The Mis-Information On Kratom

Thanks to everyone who commented respectfully, it's important to listen to each other. So it breaks down like this, some feel it to be absolutely safe, others in the comments felt extracts should be banned for being either too strong or that they may be contaminated. Then you've got others who say kratom isn't safe, that there downsides and overdose is certainly possible.

Definitely a mixed bag but here some things to consider before making any conclusions on any of these opinions.

All kratom is 3rd party lab tested (it's a requirement)
Kratom is safe when used responsibly
When abused it can have downsides
Overdose still not enough data on it.
Alkaloid Toxicity from abuse does have negative impacts
Thanks for the ears, eyes and your time.

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