“What & Where is a UFO Hotspot?” Craig Campobasso, UFO Researcher, Author of best-selling ET books

2 years ago

Join our host, Tamara Caulder Richardson - 6x Near-Death Experiencer, International Evidential Medium known as the Southern Belle Medium®, Ultra Dimensional Messenger, and Sirian Angelic human as she interviews Craig Campobasso, who is an award-winning filmmaker and Emmy-nominated casting director, as well as, UFO researcher, contactee, a former guest on Beyond Belief with George Noory and guest on the History channel’s Ancient Aliens, and author of the best-selling books, The UFO Hotspot Compendium, and The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac.

Register for the “UFO Global Hotspot Disclosure & Secrets” on - Sat., 12/3 @ 12-2 pm Pst/3-5 pm Est
LIVE Event with Craig Campobasso - Author, UFO Researcher/Experiencer & Award-Winning Filmmaker
2-Hour Special UFO Event, with unlimited replays!
* Discover where the 35 UFO Hotspots are located!
* What is a vortex vs a portal?
* Find out what an interdimensional portal is
* Can these hotspots activate you on a DNA cellular level?
* Find out what an energetic crystalline grid structure is.
* Why do ETs frequent certain geographical locations on earth?
* How many locations have Craig Campobasso witnessed UFO activity?
* Bonus: Learn where UFO hotspots are that are not included in the book!
* And, hear about Craig's positive UFO and ET encounters!
Cost, ONLY: $29 + unlimited replays!

Receive 2 hours of packed confidential information on the true UFO/ET agenda and visitation to earth. We Are NOT Alone!

Register Here, TODAY!

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And, be sure to subscribe and watch past episodes of my spiritual YouTube Channel, "Seeking Heaven: the Near-Death Experience and Other Phenomena" at, https://www.youtube.com/c/SeekingHeav...


Guest Presenter: Craig Campobasso
UFO Researcher & Experiencer, Author of, The UFO Hotspot Compendium & The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac

Event Host/Director: Tamara Caulder Richardson
Christ & Ultra Dimensional Channeler, International Evidential Medium, Host of the YouTube Seeking Heaven Channel & Celestial Starseed
To get purchase a medium or life path reading with Tamara go to:
Also, see Craig's episodes with me on the Seeking Heaven Channel below:
Episode 69: "Over 82+ Alien Species Exist!" - Craig Campobasso, Alien Expert, Author & Film Director, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WrYlN...
And, Live chat with Craig Campobasso, https://youtu.be/9qwZBH5EN2k


Tamara Caulder Richardson's sites:

Online Ascension School:
(Sign up and receive a FREE Christ Light Meditation!)

Seeking Heaven Show Website:

Merchandise Store with (5) Custom Designs!

Need help connecting to a loved one in spirit or spiritual guidance? Book a session! Purchase your private reading session here! https://www.southernbellemedium.com/book-a-session

Short Bio for, Host: Tamara Caulder Richardson –

Tamara is a 6x Near-Death & Multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiencer (Spirits, Ghosts, ETs, UFOs, Spirits, Cryptids), Evidential Medium known as, the Southern Belle Medium®, Afterlife & Ultra Dimensional Communicator, Master Teacher, Conscious Christ Channeler & Divine Messenger, and host of the YouTube Seeking Heaven: The Near-Death Experience and Other Phenomena Channel and Director of the Academy of Divine Wisdom – School of Ascension

To be a guest or for Tamara to speak for your channel, go to:

#TamaraCaulderRichardson_UltraDimensionalChanneler #seekingheavenchannel #seekingheavenshow #craigcampobasso #CraigCampobasso_UFOAuthor #UFOHotspotCompendium #UFOActivationLocations #TheExtraterrestrialSpeciesAlmanac #galacticfederationoflight #starseedsunite

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