The great reset of the Soul

2 years ago

I tried to avoid talking about politics and the world problems cause the main focus should be within nothing can be solved from the outside but this morning I couldn’t keep it inside and had to saying my opinion on video and written.

There are a group of people very wealthy that are trying to set a sistem of rules to have a total control on the world population something that can be done with internet and the easy connections we have to each other from one part to an other part of the world, I believe that some of them are totally unconscious and want to statisfy their ego, others knows how the world of energy works and choose evil over good but they got togheter and placed many of their people in governments and now in control of countries, going on the street protesting is good but if we didn’t understand that the real change comes within we are going to just repeating history again cause after big demonstrations and fights and wars what changed was something at the beginning and then slowly everything repeated itself with different names and ideologies.

They know that everything starts from within and that’s the reason we are in a permanent state of fear cause they need to keep you like this so that you manifest iwhat you don’t want, they are United knowing that we aren’t not and they are boosting this divisions with fake news, hate toward others labelled as terrorist or whatsoever as long that they can mantain our ego believes that we are separated from others and not that we are one but I feel and can see that there is a change and more and more people are fed up and begins to understand that the real change will come from within.

I have hope and faith that a change is possible and the great reset they are trying to achieve will be the great reset of the Soul

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