Excess deaths, 69%drop in birth?

2 years ago

Top US insurance company increased its pay out from $500 million in 2020, which is average compared to previous years. In 21/22 the payout increased to $1.5 billion, which is 3 times more. The biggest increase in its 45 year history. This was outside the Covid period but well into the Vaccine period.
The birthrate in Australia dropped by a whopping 69% in 2022 and the government spokeswoman had no explanation for it
Klaus Schwab is Pushing ahead with his plans for a NWO, OWR (one world religion). According to him, all other religions are fake
He is fully behind vaccine passports.
It's about total control.
Its WWW 3 . The people against the ev cabal. Time to take back your rights from your evil governments.

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