Is your Right Brain and Left Brain Creating Competition or Coherence

2 years ago

Did you know that both of your brain hemispheres are running at the same time, but unfortunately - more often than not - due to past trauma or conditioning, we choose one more than the other - which can help or hurt you.

Let's talk about how to integrate and how coherence can change your life.

The left hemisphere cares most about what we are getting done.

Checking off our to-do list.

The right hemisphere cares most about how we are received and connected to others.

How many other people in this room are connected to me?

How can I contribute and belong in this complex ecosystem?

A key piece of understanding the differences between the hemispheres is in body-

centered awareness –

we find enormous treasures and meaning when we witness emotion through the body.

Another reason we pay attention to the body, is that that’s how we know we are in the right hemisphere.

The integrated body map lives in the right-hemisphere,

it has the capacity to decode the messages that are coming,

to give them emotion words, and to understand a little bit of the deep-longings that are at the seat of deep emotion.

The left hemisphere has little ability to connect action and consequence on its own.

Emotions are just inconveniences, they get in the way, they give us stomach aches,

they are immaterial and just need to stop.

Until it is introduced to the right hemisphere, the left hemisphere doesn’t know or

understand the great gifts our emotions and bodies can offer us in accomplishing our dreams.

We have choice in how we live and perceive the world to whatever extent we have received resonance.

Moving into the right hemisphere is only possible to the extent that we receive resonance.

This is why resonance is so KEY in healing trauma.

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