What I Played August 2022

2 years ago

A quick run through/review of the board games I played in August 2022.

0:00 - Hello, Friends
1:12 - Red Rising
1:46 - ROVE: Results Oriented Veratile Explorer
2:38 - Small World
3:05 - Century Spice Road
3:20 - Creature Comforts
4:02 - Rumble Nation
5:00 - Wingspan
5:16 - Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition
5:30 - Hamsterrolle
5:44 - Legendary: A Marvel Deck Building Adventure
6:19 - Rolling Realms
6:34 - Viticulture
7:00 - Camel Up
7:23 - Dinosaur Island
8:18 - Concordia
8:29 - Clank! A Deck-Building Adventure
8:49 - Ark Nova
9:04 - Clans of Caledonia
10:00 - The Networks
10:52 - Baseball Highlights 2045
11:47 - Libertalia: The Winds of Galecrest
12:29 - Wayfarers of the South Tigris
14:16 - Planet Flipper
15:56 - Race for the Galaxy w/ Solo expansion
17:39 - The Crew: Quest for Planet Nine
18:36 - EXIT: The Stormy Flight/EXIT: The Enchanted Forest
19:45 - The Magnificent
21:37 - Outro

I'm a one man operation, just looking to provide board game content in the form of reviews, lists, and other discussion points. You can also reach me at:
Twitter: @GizmoBoardGames
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/744049779956672
Email: GizmoBoardGames@gmail.com
Ask me about my Discord if you'd like to help start my community! (need more growth before I can make a public link)

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