Melbourne Freedom Rally - 26 11 2022 - Part 5 of 11

2 years ago

Display image of Criminal who almost run me over from behind.
Criminal On Patrol like someone with complete brain damage walks directly into me while I standing in one location not moving.

March into Bourke Street Mall.
Showing why certain Criminals are complete failures as they get a branding mark of 2 out of ten tattooed to their arm indicating they are complete and utter failure, yet it is still given gun and so forth and allowed on the street. If ever something should not be on the road it should be that bath which only scored 2 out of ten.
Then that failure starts trying to intimidate our seniours living woman.

Proof some of these evil satanic Criminals On Patrol are androids as there is no visual responses to see if it is alert to its surroundings. Nothing functioning inside them things that look like a humanoid head on the Criminals On Patrol.

Two Criminals On patrol join forces to threaten and intimidate a little old lady with their hands out ready to push her backwards.

Short speeches at Bourne Street Mall.

March down Bourke Street Mall to Elizabeth Street.
March down to Little Collins Street.

Criminals On Patrol in Criminal Vehicle attempt to run me over with their car.
Other Criminals standing right next to the car and walk past me as though nothing happened. Reckless driving endangering public safety.
Reckless driving endangering life.
44535 sees the attempted hit and run driver in car right infront of it and does nothing despite repeated request to have them arrested. All complicit in the offence of the dangerous driver.

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