Prophetic Destiny II

2 years ago

We did not record last weeks message, but we should have it was powerful.

However we had some review of it and continued on with the message today. There was an anointing today very unique and powerful.

If you have a desire to find your calling, or to become clearer as to the effect and scope of your calling this message will touch your life in a tremendous way.

All Nations International Fellowship

Core Values:
We believe God has made of one blood every nation of the world. So we are a multicultural fellowship who worships God with all our heart mind and soul when we gather.

We aim to be a fellowship where people can experience a Living God. With an understanding that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, we expect to see healing, salvation, deliverance as Jesus the Christ is proclaimed. Our DNA is world missions, and at the heart of everything we do is our core mission to go to non Christian nations, mainly where the population is 90% or more heathen religion or communist and present the good news of Jesus Christ. It can be summed up as simple as this "you're either a missionary or a mission field". Our first goal its to lead our neighbors to Christ, disciple them till their family is reached, and then empower them to win others.

Now based in West Houston, Texas our objective here is to add value to the body of Christ in 4 ways.

1. Inspire local churches in regards to world missions , soul winning and discipleship.

2. Establish a world headquarters in a gospel friendly geo political climate.

3. Add value to local pastors through using the same power and principles that we're successful in China's underground Church.

4. To flame the fire with the pentecostal message in each community through outreach campaigns with local churches.

We welcome the Christian community of the Houston greater area to join us, and we respect all branches of biblical Christianity and strive to have the leading of the Holy Spirit and person of our Lord Jesus Christ as the center of all our meetings.

Revival Meetings will run through out the year, contact us to join our event mailing list.

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