You should not be a sheep and buy what other investor are buying. Should I be a contrarian investor?

2 years ago

Good question.

First, you need to learn to make your own decisions on investing and that comes with having a proper education and also being aware of the various investment strategies available to you. You need a mentor to help you as your first step.

Don’t worry if you are buying what the other investors are buying or not buying. You need to focus on finding deals that have a good high internal rate of return, cash flow, and margins of safety that compensates for the risk you are taking. You also need to implement a due diligence checklist on your deals and not just be an online stock buyer that looks at charts and tries to guess what the crowd will do next.

It often is a clue if you find something popular that it can be a good time to sell. In general you want to buy when other people want to sell and are discouraged and you want to sell when everyone is sure it will go much higher in value. But don’t become obsessed with just doing the opposite of what the other people are doing. Learn to make your own decisions.

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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