Halo Infinites roadmap is a disaster

1 year ago

Lets discuss the latest update from 343, what it means for the game, what it means for 343 and what it means for XBOX.
Is the new Halo Infinite update any good?
Is it time to fire 343 industries?
So, Ive been away for the summer and this is what I walk back in to?? (Oh god no meme)Today Im going to discuss

The latest update, the good, the bad and the ugly
Why was it a surprise to anyone
343s inability to score a win
the future of 343
Toxicity in the fan base #fire343
Modern gaming
What worries me
and where we go from here

So stick around to the end

So by now youve all seen the update but just to quickly recap it........

Why was this a surprise to anyone?
at this stage the update shouldnt have come as a surprise to anyone. The history of the game and franchise in 343's hands told us this was likely.
Given the state and unpopularity of Halo 4s mp
the marketing of Halo 5 and upopularity of Halo 5s story
the state of the MCC for years after it launched.
the delay and the state of Infinite when it was revealed and the subsequent lack of content since release all point to an organisation with some serious issues over an extended period of time. Fans have all got that familiar sinking feeling again but the signs were there for all to see.

We all knew that Infinite was "not very good" before the roadmap was released but hearing them announcing it just brought it in to focus for people. The cancellation of couch co-op plays in to all of the fears that lots of Halo players, who are already critical of 343 have. They fear that they dont really "get" Halo or that they are taking an approach which is too driven by data instead of a more holistic, rounded approach.

For my part I think they have failed to realise that the people who want couch co-op really wanted it. Yes the numbers of players are small but for many its a key feature for playing with friends and family. And plenty of others see it as another piece of the Bungie era games being chipped away at or seen as disposable in an era of online play, MTX and corporate modern gaming. None of this is helped by the delay to network co-op and forge not releasing with the game. Again those are features which many see as core to the Halo experience now and an attack on one is now an attack on them all.

Also the way this feature was cancelled, when the feature is in a semi working state, speaks volumes about the mess the Halo Infinite project is in. If before Launch 343 had told us that couch co-op was cancelled because of some reason, like not enough players to support the dev time, we have to concentrate our resources to make the best game possible, then yes there would have been outrage (expecially after these comments---bonnie ross) but doing so now, after development time has been spent, shows a studio in dissarry, ist another sign that the game wasnt ready for launch and that 343 are still working through the backlog of issues. Project goals are clearly still being re-prioritised to the absolute essentials to get the live service, or seasonality, up and running.

#haloinfinite #haloinfiniteisdead #fire343
00:00 Introduction
01:16 Why was this update a surprise?
03:23 The update isnt that bad....
06:09 No PR sense
07:27 #fire343
09:30 Toxic Fans
10:59 Modern games are hard
13:17 What really worries me

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