Learn Islam Noetic | 2 Years of Progress | 100 Videos | Website | Well managed Discord server.

2 years ago

Learn Islam Noetic is making a sound case and argument for Islam and Dawah, we are expanding our project on social media according to the need and attempting to provide the max we can in both quantity and quality for the Sake of Allah and Islam. We are on Youtube, facebook, Discord and Twitter.

We have been consistent for past years, publishing articles, uploading High quality video content and managing a well organized Discord server.

◆Learn Islam Noetic is a very simple well organized server.
◆It has all the sources for Quran and Hadith.
◆Links to Advanced Training courses
◆Many beneficial YouTube channels.
◆We have our own YouTube channel and our own Custom GORAP Course
◆Free books, reminders and stuff.
◆A server under server called Al - Andalus library consists of many books.

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/LearnIslam223
Discord : https://discord.gg/pCdgJtgdDj
Website : https://learnislamnoetic.wixsite.com/noetic-1
FaceBook : https://www.facebook.com/noetic241

| Mufti Menk | Imran Hussain Epistemix | Hamza Tzortzis | Learn Islam Noetic | Quran | Noetic Thoughts.

#noetic #noeticthoughts #islam #quran #atheism

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