My SPOILED Moustached Parakeet KICKS everyone off the couch!

2 years ago

(ℹ)Some Information, PLEASE READ ⬇️
I thought it might be helpful to add some information here on why Brando, My Mustache Parakeet is territorial over the couch and why she attacks anyone who tries sitting there.
What Brando is exhibiting is nesting behavior which is very natural to birds. She has discovered a part of the couch that she can hide in, and to her it feels similar to what she would find out in the wild to nest in. She has never been in the wild so this is all based off of her instincts. Likewise, she is naturally protective over this area, just as she would be if we weren't in my house. Once any of us come near her "nest", her vigilance kicks in and we are now a threat. In fact, the biggest threat to Brando's nest is me, reason being that when it is time for bed or for her to go back to the cage for any reason, I am the designated person to do so. Therefore, I have put myself in a constant position of threat to her "nest". So when Brando is on her couch/nest, I am the person she hates the most.
I think it also important to note that if Brando is anywhere else in the house with me, she does not act like this at all. She is completely loving and sweet. Though I will say that she has built up a certain trust with men because in her experience, they have not been the ones to put her to bed or back in the cage. In fact, both my brother and George have asked me to put her back or to bed so, "they don't look like the bad ones". Mmhmm because they know her well enough to know how she is. Brando actually is on my shoulder right now being very cute.
📍SIDE NOTE: If this does happen to you and you recognize that you have lost your birds trust, please let me know of you would like a video on how to build it back up. it is possible and fairly easy.
I should also let you know, that I believe birds are meant to be wild but obviously there are already so many that that can never happen for. If you choose to live with birds, there are many aspects of your life, you may have to change for them. I don't believe in taking away thier natural behaviors to make our lives easier, but I can show you how to let them go through those natural cycles in a safer way for them.
I hope you enjoy this video of Brando being super territorial over the couch.

P.S. I finally gathered all the footage of the office day that you guys are waiting for, I will get it up soon ❤️ I haven't forgotten, editing takes time ⏰

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