The Iron Will Weekly News Report | November 25, 2022

1 year ago

In this week’s Iron Will Report…
• Dirty Pool at POEC: Rouleau Ejects Convoy Lawyer Brendan Miller from Courtroom
• Travel Ban Case Appeal: Our New Petition Live at
• Canada’s Surveillance State: Federal Government Blackmailing Provinces to Hand Over Private Medical Records
• Mainstream Media Demise: CRTC Report Predicts Local Broadcasters Will Go Under by 2025
• Fire Them All: Alberta Premier Fires CMO and Entire Health Services Board
• Putin Screwed Up: Analysis - Russian Strategy Playing into Globalist’s Plans

And in the member’s only version at, all of the above PLUS:
• Putin’s Screw Up continued…
• Europe Prepares for Disaster: Analysis - Blackouts, Fuel Shortages and a Run on the Banks
• Masks Coming Back: Justification Will Be ‘Triple-Demic’, the New Fear Word
• “Died Suddenly”: New Documentary and Governments Deleting Vaccine-Injured Records
• Canadian Health Care Sucks: Fraser Institute Finds Our Health Care Most Expensive; Least Effective
• Record Mental Illness in Kids: Study Shows Devastating Affects of Covid Mandates on Youth
• TD Funding Transgenderism: $500,000 Grant for Gender Reassignment for Minors
• Global Vaccine Passport: G20 Agree to Implement International Restrictions for Unvaxxed
• Council Cancels Christmas: Edmonton Christmas Tree Denied Due to ‘Environmental Impact’
• Sinking the Woke Ship: Woke Agenda Proves to be Death Knell for Entertainment Industry
• Girl Guides Go Woke: ‘Brownies’ Now Politically Incorrect, Name to be Changed

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