Covid-19 : What is the Truth?

2 years ago

In this short video I refer to an article I came across on NIH's own website written by Russel L. Blaylock. He covers it all in a scathing expose of the lies revolving around Covid, the jab, and these who participated in the mass manipulation. I share information from this article written in April 2022 in hopes that you will print and share with as many people as possible. With the film "Died Suddenly," spreading truth and more and more truth coming out about this horrific assault on humanity, the powers that be are doubling down on pushing more and more "vaccines,' and trying to censor, "debunk" and as usual pervert and vilify the truth.
The link to this article is:

Please save., download if possible, print and share it. some people won't watch videos...but might read an article.

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