2 years ago

See the codepens for the visual effects made for this video:

CSS = cascading style sheets: do not define a programming language exactly, more a markup language. CSS provides formatting and, well, style, info for how to display and present web pages and experiences. This means things like flex, flexbox, grid, inheritance, fonts, tables, and more. It was created at the W3C (WWW Consortium), primarily by Håkon Wium Lie & Bert Bos, soon after the WWW was mostly invented by Tim Berners-Lee, and continues to be developed by quite a few people, mostly in computer science and graphic design. It's easy in principle but can become very difficult to learn beyond the basics... and sometimes i have so many bugs that sometimes I'd rather sing or play acoustic guitar or bass or piano or rap or write an original song about CSS than write in it. CSS is different from but closely intertwined with HTML and javascript and node.js and SGML and all the other web technologies, really. Final music mix by Sam Kaufmann. Digitally made primarily in Pro Tools, Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Photoshop, and Visual Studio Code.

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