9/24/22 and Rosh Hashanah: Is God telling Us Something?

2 years ago

A German member of parliament turned more than a few head on 9/4 when he said that something will happen on 9/24/22 everyone will remember “exactly where he or she was.” Of course this video went viral, but no one seems to know what he was referring to.
To Jewish believers this date is very familiar since it the day before their New Year called Rosh Hashanah. According to Jewish tradition Rosh Hashanah is the day when God created the Universe and the birthday of Adam and Eve among other things.
These include when the Patriarchs were born, the Patriarchs died, Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah were remembered by God and conceived, Joseph came out from prison, and slavery in Egypt ceased. Also, it is said that in Tishrei in the future the Jewish people will be redeemed in the final redemption with the coming of the Messiah. Obviously big things happen at this time.
It is also the end of a seven-year period called a Shemitah.
Add it all up and many believe the German government leader may be pointing to something big, most thinking something in the financial realm.
We'll explore this and more in this video.
James Bailey 9/25,26 prophecy: https://z3news.com/w/nothing-will-be-the-same-after-september-25-26/

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