Hiking Cucamonga Peak 2022

1 year ago

June 25th, 2022
Cucamonga Peak is in the San Gabriel Mountains and is located in San Bernardino County, California. It is within the Cucamonga Wilderness of the San Bernardino National Forrest.

Cucamonga Peak is the 2nd peak in the Original Southern California Six Pack of Peak Challenge. For more information on this cool hiker’s social network please visit: www.socialhiker.net If you’re not from Southern California, don’t let that stop you from visiting the site. There are 6POP Challenges around the US and there may be one in your local area.

If you are interested in doing this hike, use this address to locate the trailhead. 20 Ice House Canyon Rd, Mt Baldy, CA, 91759, USA.
At the trailhead there is a metal box with permits that you are required to complete before starting the hike. Just fill one out and stuff it in the slot in the side of the box.

In addition to Cucamonga Peak this trailhead does lead to other destinations. Once you reach Icehouse Saddle you are able to divert to other peaks like Ontario and Big Horn Peaks. The trail can be busy, but if you arrive early enough, you will beat the traffic and the heat, especially in the summer months. There are no natural water sources near the trail after about 2 miles in and the squirrels aren’t very plentiful. Also, they’re scrawny and very gamey. So be prepared and always carry some extra food and 2 liters of water just in case it takes longer than expected or you get lost.

Have fun and be safe!

Music featured in this video:
To All the Glory
Howard Harper-Barnes

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