Is there a book that teaches passive income?

1 year ago

Good question.

Yes, I wrote a book on passive income investing but have not released it on Amazon or other online systems. I share it with my friends, family, and also my mentees.

Part of passive income if you are talking about really effective techniquest it is good to share these techniques with a close circle instead of publishing them where your competitors can copy you. For years I have had competitors copy me and for that reason I decided to only release my book to my inner circle. I suppose it could be published by someone without my knowledge but so far no one has done that.

If you would like to learn more about passive income, I offer a completely free investor training course. If you end up becoming one of my mentees, I also can give you the book at some point.

Just register at the link below:

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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