Reinstating Assault Weapons Ban ‘Is A Lost Cause Worth Pursuing’

2 years ago

President Biden is calling on Congress to reinstate the ban on military-style guns, following a string of major mass shootings in the U.S., including recent tragedies in Virginia and Colorado. Former Representative Donna Edwards (D), NBC News Senior White House Correspondent Kelly O’Donnell, Editor-at-large at The Bulwark Charlie Sykes, and former U.S. attorney Harry Litman join Chris Jansing to discuss. “Even though this is a lost cause for the Biden administration and for gun control advocates, I think that this is a lost cause worth pursuing,” says Edwards. “Otherwise, the world is going to look at the United States and wonder, why are we so indifferent, why are we numbed, why are we unable to do the kinds of things that virtually every other civilized country on the planet has done?”

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