Season 2. Episode 9 - The Love of Having a Villain - Cairn’s Rock Pile Podcast

2 years ago

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"They will take ___ from you" or "They want to ____ (fill in the blank) are statements tossed around daily. Between word salads, invectives, censorship, minimalization, and "Chicken Little" phrases, we are inundated with statements attempting to elicit fear, division, and the vilification of groups or entire segments of our society. Some messages may contain valid warnings or information. But they are lost in the cacophony of voices and messages - intentionally or inadvertently. If we are not vigilant, we will not know which. Our world has become a veritable message salad. Join us as we step into the brackish waters looking for alligators. Buckle up. It's messy.  
Podcast Notes and Links
Congress and Impeachment. Realities
Madison & A. Hamilton. Discussions Regarding the House of Representatives. The Federalist Papers 52-60
Madison & A. Hamilton. Discussion Regarding the Senate. The Federalist Papers 62-66
U.S. Constitution - Art. 1 Sec. 2 Cl. 5 - Overview of Impeachment
Majority in House (218/435 minimum) to approve Articles of Impeachment BUT need two-thirds in Senate to Convict (66 Senators). Democrats hold 50-51, meaning you would have to get 15-16 Democrats minimum to vote with ALL Republicans to convict. The impeachment process applies to inferior officers (of ABC Departments) and judges.
Madison & A. Hamilton. Discussion Regarding Impeachment – Senate – The Federalist Papers 66
Who Creates Executive, Legislative, and Independent Agencies of the U.S. Government?
See Howell, W.G., & Lewis, D. (2002). Agencies by Presidential Design. The Journal of Politics, 64(4) 1095-1114. htttp://
See, Basic Summary of Administrative Agencies.
Executive Orders (E.O.) – Who, What, and How
Basic Summary of What it is and Isn't (ABA Summary)
Additional Summary from The Heritage Foundation
Federal Register – List of All E.O.s
National Archives – Executive Orders
The Official Handbook of the U.S. Government (U.S. Government Manual – USGM)
Allows to break down by topic (each segment in PDF or HTML or share)
U.S. Governmental Manual – USGM
The Complete PDF version.
Additional Educational Resources
Are you interested in Learning More About the U.S. Constitution, U.S. History, and other subjects? Check out all the free courses at Hillsdale College.
If you have an EBook Reader or Kindle, you can download many older books at Free eBooks | Project Gutenberg
Political Uses of Fear, Anger, Hatred - Amor sceleratus habendi - (The Love of Having a Villain)
See Foster, B.O. Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 3
So difficult is it to be moderate in the defense of liberty, since everyone, while pretending to seek fair play, so raises himself as to press another down; while insuring themselves against fear, men actually render themselves fearful to others; and having defended ourselves from an injury, we proceed —as though it were necessary either to do or suffer wrong —to inflict injury upon our neighbor.
                -Titus Livius(Livy), The History of Rome, Book 3 - Chapter 65.11
 See Blume, H. (2017) Fear, Anger, Hatred, in Livy's Account of the Struggle of the Orders (Unpublished Dissertation) Ohio State University
Machiavelli, Nicolo. The Prince
See, also: (some of these works or related subjects are available free in ebook form at the link above)
Weatherford, Jack. Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World.
Musashi, Miyamoto, The Five Rings
Tzu, Sun. The Art of War

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