Cognitive Dissonance: the narcissism projection of too much unfounded conviction

1 year ago

I want to know when I am wrong as I am confronted by a world of infinite complexity. I am also aware that I must be wrong in ways I have yet to discover. The only solution to that is to ask for Divine wisdom as well as to cultivate the humility to know that finite creatures such as we cannot apprehend much. Certainly, we do not have God, the very Lord of the infinite, wrapped up neatly in our doctrinal box.

Pride resides at the apex of the seven deadly sins. Pride is manifested by narcissistic projection, a condition where we own nothing while projecting our inadequacies onto others. Narcissistic projection always tells you far more about the narcissist than it does about the one whom the narcissist is attacking. And face it, the very conditional premise of being a Christian is based upon the realization that we are all sinners who fall far short of the Glory of God. When I encounter Christians who are utterly unwilling to examine the failure of the Church to be the salt of the earth, even as we are admonished to do, I am seeing the self-same species of psychological projection that the WOKE use when confronted with facts that they cannot handle. Cognitive dissonance belongs to anyone arrogant enough to believe that their dogma is absolute without ever considering evidence to the contrary.

1 Corinthians 13:12: For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

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