Facebook-parent Meta added to Russian Justice Ministry's 'extremist' list: Report | #shorts #news

1 year ago

News Bulletin | "Facebook-parent Meta added to Russian Justice Ministry's 'extremist' list: Report" | #shorts #news

Facebook-owner Meta Platforms has been added to the Russian Justice Ministry's list of extremist organisations, a Russian newspaper reported. A Russian court had earlier said that Meta engaged in "extremist activity". Access was also restricted to Facebook and Instagram in Russia in March as part of a campaign against 'western social media platforms'.

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Related Queries:

-Russian court says Meta engages in "extremist activity"
-Meta Platforms added to Russian Justice Ministry's list of extremist organizations
-Access to Facebook and Instagram restricted in Russia

1) Do you think Facebook-owner Meta Platforms should be added to the Russian Justice Ministry's list of extremist organisations?
2) Do you think Meta engaged in "extremist activity"?
3) Do you think access should be restricted to Facebook and Instagram in Russia?

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