Is The New York Times Spouting Misinformation?

1 year ago

Was there a time when you trusted the New York Times for your information? For many of us, the obvious answer is "Yes!" But unfortunately, time changes things. This once trustworthy news organization has been hollowed out to a shell of what it once was. This is just one example of the "credible" news reporting they currently do. In this video we look at 2 pieces that Stuart A. Thompson did just A DAY apart. One claims that there are conspiracy theorist out there denying certain elections, while the very next day Stuart shows us that these people's concerns were true. That might be fine if it was a retraction piece, or some sort of apology for getting things so wrong. But that's not the case.

Is this really the state of the current day New York Times?? Sadly it is, and it's the reason it's readers and viewership numbers are falling drastically.

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