Pro Teaches n00bs: Lesson 78: The Star Wars

2 years ago

On Today's lesson of Pro Teaches n00bs, Bianca and I discuss the adaptation of the Original Screenplay for Star Wars's quite something else! There are a LOT of changes! And yet a LOT of similarities! What is the superior version? Well I think the answer speaks for themselves.

Before Star Wars, there was The Star Wars! This is the authorized adaptation of George Lucas's rough-draft screenplay of what would eventually become a motion picture that would change the world.

Annikin Starkiller is the hero…Luke Skywalker is a wizened Jedi general…Han Solo is a big green alien…and the Sith…Well, the Sith are still the bad guys. High adventure and derring-do from longer ago, in a galaxy even further away!

#starwars #georgelucas #darkhorse

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