Memesplanation Short 9

1 year ago

This sounds like an echo of Jesus talking about hypocrisy, in Matthew 7. I think that this should be pretty self-explanatory, but then common sense is lacking these days... Do not use this as a justification for sin. Just because someone who has struggled with a particular thing in the past is confronting you in love doesn’t give you the right to beat them over the head with this line of thinking. It is not an instant acquittal card. Even if they are being a hypocrite, it is incumbent on you to receive that critique gracefully, discern it, then take it to the Lord if the conviction sticks. If you are the corrector who is still in the same pattern, maybe don’t say anything to the other person, unless you are actively trying to break the pattern.
#definitionsthursday #stathanasius #patristics #hypocrisy #judgment #memesplanation #TechFreedom

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