Ontario's ENHANCED Teacher Goes Skydiving as the Country Plunges into Censorship!

2 years ago

The well endowed woodshop teacher from Oakville, Ontario went skydiving with a conservative pornstar in full gear. Kayla Lemieux has to be trolling at this point, shout out for the legendary character work.

The Emergency Act inquiry rolls on as Chrystia Freeland tries to gaslight the nation into believing the Truckers in Ottaway LITERALLY had OUR DEMOCRACY at gunpoint. Bruh, you scared of a bouncy castle?

All of this pales in comparison for what's on the horizon. Bill C-11 is headed to the Senate and if it makes it through, independent content creators in Canada, myself included, will be memory holed in service to the CBC, CTV, Global and all the other Liberal Party mouthpieces. I'm not being hyperbolic, even Google/YouTube is sounding the alarm. This is serious stuff.

The Post Millennial 1: https://thepostmillennial.com/ontario-teacher-with-giant-fake-breasts-goes-skydiving-with-conservative-pornstar-loses-wig
PM2: https://thepostmillennial.com/watch-freeland-claims-freedom-convoy-held-democracy-hostage
PM3: https://thepostmillennial.com/trudeaus-invoking-emergencies-act-led-to-increase-in-anti-authority-rhetoric-csis
PM4: https://thepostmillennial.com/trudeau-minister-begs-senators-to-quickly-adopt-internet-censorship-bill
Google Blog: https://blog.google/intl/en-ca/company-news/outreach-initiatives/canada-keep-youtube-yours/
Open Media Petition: https://action.openmedia.org/page/114150/petition/1?ea.tracking.id=tw

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#BillC11 #KaylaLemieux #EmergenciesAct

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