1 year ago

As a man I can not judge the souls of others that's God's domain. What 2 people do behind closed doors is between them and God. However, as a rational human being don't expect me to go against logic and common sense and accept anything other than the factual uncontested reality that there are only 2 genders that can biological produce offspring and perpetuate the species. If you want to come out and push this woke leftist communist Ideological subversion that goes against natural and Divine law your going to get some push back. If you persist in pushing this insanity onto our children, which has been proven over and over again by videos and documents posted by these people that accept this ideological subversion as their reality. They do this because either they have the intellectual capacity of an acorn or they are actually participating willfully in this communist ideological subversion of America. Either way they are traitors and they should expect some major pushback, This woke agenda is an undeclared war by those that believe in Marxist Leninist totalitarian ideology. It makes no difference whether the people pushing this are nation states or a collection of elitists New World Order types of even the Democrat party, their goal is the implosion of the United States of America because we are the only country that put a stop to their desired takeover. You want facts Yuri Bezmenov a high level KGB agent and Journalist in the former Soviet Union who defected in the 1970’ explains in great detail in many interviews and seminars just how the destruction of America will be achieved. Below is just one short clip 11 minutes of one the many interviews that anybody who has two active brain cells can see what he warned about what is happening now and is the manifestation of decades of planning. He predicted this in the seventies and eighties and you're seeing the fruits and the manifestation of this ideological subversion (Woke Agenda) as we speak. Wake up people we are actively being attacked, and our way of life and the future of our children are at stake. It's time to take this shit seriously. Watch the video links below and judge for yourself. We have to take all legal and prescribed measures to protect our country as outlined in our constitution, our declaration of Independence, and under U.S. Code.
Yuri Bezmenov: (clip) 4 stages to bring down a country
Yuri Bezmenov: (full interview) 4 Stages of Ideological Subversion

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