I want to earn 5,000 per month in retirement, what solution to create passive income than bonds?

1 year ago

Good question.

A good solution might be to purchase bonds of a company like Alamo Mortgage Holdings, Ltd or Andesite Blue, Ltd. These companies offer passive income bonds that pay hundreds of basis points more than government bonds.

Let’s say your goal is 5,000 per month or 60,000 per year. If you were to purchase a bond that paid 8% you would need to buy 60,000 / 0.08 = 750,000.

So, if you were to place 750,000 into bonds that paid around 8% this would generate 5,000 per month in passive income.

If you would like to learn more about investing for passive income, just register for my free weekly training at the link below:


I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

Benjamin Z Miller


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