Kris DenBesten | Gracyn’s Song | Steve Brown, Etc. | Key Life

1 year ago

With no warning, a mysterious and dangerous virus attacks your child. What would you do? For Kris DenBesten, it's no 'what if?' - he lived it. This week, Steve and the gang chat with the author and CEO about his remarkable experience and his resulting book, "Gracyn’s Song: A Journey from Facing Crisis to Finding Hope" (

🗝️ Have you experienced sudden tragedy? How did it shape you? What did you learn through it? Share your thoughts in the Comments. 🗝️

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Kris Den Besten is a husband, father, author, and serves as CEO for @Vermeer Southeast Sales and Service, a construction equipment business. Kris has written three books, one of which is "Gracyn’s Song: A Journey from Facing Crisis to Finding Hope" (

00:00 - Intro
03:36 - Meet Kris DenBesten
05:32 - A Christmas Eve crisis and Kris' "crucible of faith"
09:02 - "There's nothing we can do for your daughter."
13:24 - A very special Christmas gift
17:34 - "We may have found a heart for your daughter."
23:33 - What it was like to write this powerful, emotional book
26:50 - The lasting impact of these events on Gracyn's life
30:15 - Relying on faith in the midst of crisis
33:33 - The one thing to know if you're facing your own crisis is...
37:48 - Steve's closing thoughts
40:13 - Next week's guest is...

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