Brave: (Bonus 9/12) Ready- Practical Tips To Prepare For The Upcoming Upheaval- Health Secrets

1 year ago

Jonathon Otto presents-
Top medical experts Dr. Bryan Ardis, Ann Vandersteel and Scott McKay uncover the globalists' plan to wipe out human DNA over several generations… And how they used the Nazi’s brainwashing tactic to unfurl the massive mind control that has divided our society… And their plan to put us all in this new matrix, tracking our “new” DNAs with Bluetooth devices. Sounds like a science fiction horror story, but it’s happening.

Dr. Bryan Ardis discusses how the CIA got involved with Holly Wood and Walt Disney to start using imagery and lyrics to music to use mind control in Adults and Children in operation “Paper Clip’.

BRAVE: Live Courageously, Heal Miraculously! DVD Series

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