1 year ago

Psalm 39:7 King James Version
7 And now, Lord, what wait I for? my hope is in thee.

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA EVERYBODY!!! How was your Thanksgiving???

When have you felt sick because of an unfulfilled longing?

How did God meet you in your time of need?

These questions not only got me to thinking, but also encouraged my heart, because, like Amy Boucher Pye this morning’s devotional writer, I'm separated from my family, and it’s because Ricky and I got the vaccine. How childish is that? However, God has been good to Ricky and I, in the midst of this, in that not only has He given us each other, but also Sahara, and blessed us with really true wonderful friends. What I'd like to do right now is share some things that God has shown me throughout this year, even from last year, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that it encourages you in the midst of whatever situation you may be going through on this Thanksgiving Day. Come join me in this vlog and learn what it means to place all of your hopes and longings in almighty God's hands! 😊

As I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to first and foremost wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I pray that you remember and realize what this day is truly about. That in the midst of the Turkey, football, and the parades, that you remember that this is a time to give thanks to God for all the blessings that He has bestowed on you, and to not take them for granted. To make sure that you cherish all of your family, even the ones who got vaccinated, because they're the only family you'll ever have. For those who are being shunned this year because of either not getting vaccinated, or because of having gotten vaccinated, know that you are loved by an almighty God, and that God will never abandon you. That God will renew your strength daily and will more than replace whatever others have taken from you. Know that God will meet you in whatever time of need you have, and that when He meets those needs, He will meet them in ways you could never imagine! I pray that you will allow God to fulfill your deepest longings, to give all of your hopes, dreams, and desires, to Him, and allow God to grant them according to his will, wisdom, and love.



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