Pokemon TCG Online Wailord Frosmoth VS Giratina VSTAR Cramorant!!

2 years ago

Book Link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/9925752434




Famous for having the largest hp on cards, silver tempest wailord also lives up to this tradition and even has an ability to block further damage from attacks. With a workable attack and frosmoth to power it up it may just be the most potent regular pokemon that will dish out high damage but also manage to take a big hit. Compared to other vstars giratina vstar does have the ability to get a OHKO on our wailord even if we have all of our tanking cards working in effect together and it also can get an automatic OHKO with its vstar attack. It's not all bad though as if we can keep up the pressure they can only power up giratina vstar so many times before running out of fuel.

#pokemontcg #wailord #frosmoth

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