Daunting Compilation Of Athletes Collapsing and Dying From The COVID Vax - Dying Suddenly 2021-2022

2 years ago

Daunting Compilation Of Athletes Collapsing and Dying From The COVID Vax - Dying Suddenly 2021-2022

Between 1966 and 2004, the monthly average number of deaths equates to 2.35. But between January 2021 and April 2022, the monthly average equates to 42. This is an increase of 1,696%.

So why have we seen such a dramatic increase?

Full List of Athlete Deaths https://amg-news.com/athletes-who-have-died-suddenly-has-increased-by-1700-since-covid-vaccination/

Now, we have a comprehensive list of athletes who have collapsed and/or died since January 2021, a month after the first Covid-19 injection was administered to the general public:

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