Introducing The Reset | The Great Reset Docuseries (Episode 1 of 2)

1 year ago

Lewis Brackpool introduces The Great Reset. We provide the background of the World Economic Forum and its chairman, Klaus Schwab, along with the other global elites who assisted in the birth of the organization. We explore the organizations that compliment each other, working alongside the WEF to plan and enact a new form of global governance through The Great Reset.

In this docuseries, we will be exploring the book The Great Reset, co-authored by Schwab and published in June 2020, just a few months after COVID-19 began shaping our world, along with those collaborating with the WEF to push its globalist agenda. Our hope is to show the viewer that this reset, “unique window of opportunity” as the WEF's website states, is not a conspiracy theory — it's a fact.


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