Episode 9: Tell Me Thursday- A Client Story

1 year ago

Today I'm going to tell you about Kim, a one on one client.

She struggled, working as a nurse at her local hospital, mom to two middle-school kids, and married.

She found herself exhausted ALL THE TIME. You know how you feel when you can't sleep because your to-do list is crazy, and there's too much happening, and you can't get it together because something ALWAYS goes sideways?

Everything changed for Kim when a co-worker walked in on her sleeping at her desk at work.

She works on a surgical recovery floor in the orthopedic section of a major hospital, and one of her co-workers accidentally woke her up. She had been sleeping at her desk for 20+ minutes, and didn't even realize she had fallen asleep!

She contacted me by Facebook messenger, and we set up a free consultation.

From there, we decided that for Kim to achieve balance, we had to entirely rewire her brain, reconfigure her routines, and really shake it up but in ways that made it EASY for her to do.

At first, the investment seemed like a lot. But because of her stress from work, the exhaustion, and the kids school and sports activities, her relationship with her husband Steve was falling apart. When she realized that divorce would cost her so much more physically, emotionally, and mentally than having a coach, she made the decision.

She was going to invest in herself.

Initially, Steve didn't really support her decision, but Kim, being kind of stubborn, told him to give her a chance, give coaching a month and they would see what happened.

Well, right away, Kim was able to get clear on her gameplan, get excited about building her new habits EASILY into her already full schedule, and in less than two weeks, Steve even started picking up on her better habits and doing them along side her! (Habits like meal-prep and waking up a few minutes in the morning to meditate. Things they could do together, and support each other.)

In no time at all, her relationship with Steve grew stronger. Kim felt so much more relaxed, balanced, and supported. She was finding more balance with a special way to prioritize her day with her goals. When she participated in the bi-weekly check-ins, each time she had more and more courage, more excitement, and better insight into her goals.

Kim felt better. Her relationships improved with her spouse and kids. And something pretty exciting happened. She ended up having more energy, so her work performance increased, and by six months, she had been promoted to Charge Nurse of the orthopedic recovery floor!

Studies show that we are 95% more likely to achieve our goals when we have a partner. We are held accountable for our share of the work.

Today, I want you to share with me one goal you are going to work on over the week.

Get started with the free goal-setting workbook. It's easy to use, and it's the exact tool I use on a daily basis to keep my clients (and even myself!) on track to accomplish their goals.

Download here: https://this-side-of-chaos-coaching.teachable.com/p/my-downloadable-1550

Be sure to tell me in the comments what goal you will focus on this week!

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