Ammach Project Archives JEFF SCOTT 2012 Interview 01 08 03' 5 10 22

2 years ago

This hour + long interview sees Jeff Scott share his life long experiences, which took a lot of courage to do. Jeff insisted on meeting me first, in a neutral place where he felt safe, and able to establish for himself, that I wasn't part of MI5 or any other surveillance body, after already, years of harassingly surveillance from a mix of security and intelligence agencies.

Jeff's experiences began as a youngster, a toddler, and his 11th year seems to have been a seminal time, where he was taken frequently, weekly over a year. Jeff had not had anyone to really share his experiences with, and this interview is his first ever venture into the world publicly. It took him a lot of courage to do this. He went on in 2013 to present some of his experiences at the Ammach conference, another first for him. He did a great job.

Jeff's father who was a dyed in the wool, down to earth type with zero belief in the things his young son was experiencing, whilst his mother, was on the opposite end of the spectrum - she was psychic, intuitive, introduced the toddler Jeff to Ouija Board sessions, which he felt opened up dimensional doorways, which may have played a role in his life long experiences.

Whether being in touch with other intelligences sends an alert to the intelligence agencies, and some experiencers become a point of focus for them, much like Jeff. He suggests that perhaps because he had experiences from such a young age, that through some channels the intelligence bodies latched on to him seemingly on a regular basis.

Further, Jeff, without being aware of anything himself, said two independent people on different occasions reported to him that they'd witnessed him transforming into a reptilian and one person reported that he took on the appearance much like that of predator from the film.

Enjoy this fascinating insight into an experiencer's life.

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