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Channel Intro - 2022

2 years ago

Hi there! Thanks for stopping by to visit. We’re the Strube family and we reside in a vintage log cabin in the mountainous Panhandle region of North Idaho. We own 20 acres of timbered property on which we chose to build a self sufficient homestead in 2019. We are still in the beginning phases of infrastructure but we have learned so much and would love to share our experiences with you all.

Aaron and Elizabeth, each a respective Jack and Jill of all trades, met in 2013 and married in 2016. They purchased Whistling Rooster Homestead, their first home in 2019 and had their first son, Leroy, in the winter of 2020, which was when they decided Elizabeth would begin her role as a stay at home mom and caretaker of the property. Aaron still works full-time in construction but dedicates what free time he has to their family and property, making improvements and maintaining equipment and other resources.

Aaron is a talented craftsman and a resourceful man. He has a YouTube channel where he documents his projects ranging from construction to vehicle repair and property maintenance. He is a lifelong carpenter but through experience and dedication has become the MacGyver of our family – there’s nothing he can’t do, and do well! Full-time homesteading is an important goal of his because he he hopes someday to work solely for his own construction business while being able to dedicate more time to home and family life.

Elizabeth is a proud homemaker and craftswoman, her skills ranging from office management to fiber arts. Before she had her son she was a records technician in civil aviation, a career which still holds a special place in her heart. Now she is a fine home cook and uses her many skills to garner income wherever she can, including teaching knit and crochet lessons online and dabbling in real estate. Her true love is being a boy mom, but gardening comes in a close second. She runs the blog and online store at the homestead and has a budding YouTube channel.

Leroy is a farm boy in his own right! A wonderful helper and constant source of joy, he loves his animals and he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. Every day he contributes to chores and loves spending time with his mommy and daddy while getting work done. His days are spent eating dirt, bird-watching, hiking, and eating fresh fruits and veggies right in the garden.

The Strube Family is comprised as much of pets as it is of people! They share the house with two cats and two dogs, as well as having a slew of poultry and waterfowl. They tried goats but have since sold them and are waiting for their next livestock opportunity in the spring of 2023.

Have any questions? Drop us a line. We’d love to chat with you!


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