XR Exploration of probable future events

2 years ago

I am proud to present my XR predictions for the next 100 days.
These are probable future predictions of high-impact events that will make international headlines.

What is XR?

XR is a system for accessing non local information that I developed and have been using for some time now. It is based on research, studies, articles, concepts, etc, from philosophers, scientists, occultists, and writers from the mid 1800s to the mid 1930s.

XR is NOT remote viewing.

It is a different approach to accessing information from "The Source".

It has its own philosophies, theories, concepts, ideas, and terminology.

In XR , practitioners develop a common language between their Conscious and Subconscious minds, as well as a series a sub skills that allow them to enjoy a fully immersive experience, on demand, without any time limitations, and without the need to "decode" any symbology. There is no need for someone else to analyze your information because "what you see, is what you get".

The XR training is VERY hands-on and intensive!

Through the application of knowledge of disciplines like Hypnosis, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Body Language, Linguistics, Micro Expressions, Transurfing, Breath Work, Meditations, and "Mind Symbols", among others, the XR student develops the necessary skills to engage in the processes that comprise the XR System.

Training in the XR System is fun and exciting!
Your view of the world will be challenged!

I designed the training to be experiential. That means that in every class you will experience the concepts, theories and ideas presented to you in an objective way, allowing you to shift your perceptions of the world around you, and opening up to new possibilities.

The next training starts November 26.

If you would like more information about the training, the system, its capabilities, etc, visit: https://learn.ascensioncenter.ca/collections/NON-LOCALITY

or send me an email to: ozz@probablefuturesconsulting.com and let's set up an interview in which I will answer any questions you might have about XR, and also to figure out together if we are a fit.

So here they are!

My prediction of probable futures for the next 100 days.

Hope you have fun and enjoy watching them!

***These predictions are for entertainment purposes only***

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