A wise deer and a cowardly tiger with a jackal

1 year ago

It is a funny story of a wise deer and cowardly tiger. 
On the slopes of the mountain was a dense forest. Many animal species lived in the forest. The deer eats the grass and walks away with its two young. The youth wandered to and fro. The deer followed their fawns. Suddenly the young people entered the cave. The deer got scared. It was the tiger's den. The bones of the killed animals lay scattered throughout the cave. Luckily the tiger wasn't in the den at the time. The deer tried to pull their young out of the den. At that moment she heard a loud roar. In the distance she saw a tiger. The tiger approached the cave. It was dangerous to leave the cave now. She came up with a plan. The tiger approached the cave. The deer raised his voice and called out, "My little deer! please stop crying. I'll catch a tiger for you to eat. You can eat well." The tiger heard these words. He was worried. He said to himself, "Whose strange voice is that from the cave? A dangerous animal stays inside to catch me. I will run to save my life." With these words, the tiger began to run away from there as quickly as possible. The jackal saw a running tiger. "Why are you running away in great fear?" asked the jackal. The tiger said: "My friend, a strong and fierce animal, came to stay in my cave to capture a tiger for his children. So I run away in great fear.” Now, the cunning jackal was sure. The tiger was a coward. He told the tiger. "Fear not. There is no wilder and stronger animal than the tiger. Let's go together to find out." But the tiger said, "I don't want to risk it. You can run away. I'll stay alone and become her food! That's why I won't go with you." The jackal said, "Trust me. Let's get to know our cocks together. Then I cannot leave you." Tiger reluctantly agreed to this suggestion. The jackals tied their tails in a knot. Now they walked towards the den together. The deer saw the approaching jackal and the tiger. She raised her voice again. She called her children into the cave: “My dear children, I have asked a tiger friend, a clever jackal, to catch a tiger for us. Look, the jackal caught a tiger for us. He tied the tiger's tail to his tail. This is done so that the tiger does not run away. Soon there will be a tiger for dinner." The tiger heard it. He was shocked. Now he was sure. The jackal deceived him. So the tiger decided to run away from the terrible beast standing in its den. He started running. He forgot the jackal. He dragged the jackal over rocks and thorns. In a desperate escape, the jackal got stuck between two rocks. The tiger pulled with all his might. They cut off his tail. The jackal was killed in this incident. The tailless tiger fled to another part of the forest. The deer and his cubs left the tiger's den. They liked to join their herd. 
Being clever and resourceful can keep you out of dangerous situations.

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