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Death by Derivatives

2 years ago

The entire financial economy may be being imperiled by an exotic form of financial instrument called a derivatives contract. There may be over two quadrillion dollars' worth of this debt, sucking cash out of the productive economy... which is crippling supply chains.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Daniel Natal Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented. 

Video Sources:
Jim Rickard:


  • 0/2000
  • Monetize carbon? So, I want to cut down the old tree on the back 5 acre lot because it is old, rotten, and the kids play around it. Plus it would work well for firewood the next winter. I fire up the chain saw and the neighbor calls in the carbon police. They tell me I have NO permit to cut down my own tree. I'm charged with a carbon violation. The local Carbon Commissar issues me a fine and gives me a stack of applications to request a permit to cut down my own tree. The applications are filled out and months later nothing has been approved. Winter is approaching. Finally I see the light and slip a substantial little gift under the table to the local Carbon Commissar. Magically the Permit is approved and I'm finally able to cut down MY tree. You see, with the system these Global Elites are trying to put in place that is NOT my tree! It is theirs, which they have appropriated with the global system they have put in place. Be warned!

  • https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11471383/EU-accuses-PROFITEERING-Ukraine-war-selling-higher-price-gas-weapons.html As per your "Banker's Wars" podcast ?!

  • What do we do???

  • Interesting video as ever. I Hope Daniel Natal is doing ok. He seemed a little distracted at the start of the video. (I accidentally left this comment on the previous video but it was meant for this one)

  • Interesting…..

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