These left wing people have no credibility

1 year ago

These left wing people have no credibility. If they did care about human rights then they would refuse to have it on the BBC or at least presenters and staff would quit the BBC. And the football players would not have gone. Yet from what I can see non have gone. Instead they pretend to be making a change by wearing a badge or doing a quick talk. Yet let us not forget these left wing people have been telling us we (the UK) were wrong and pure evil to go to country’s in past years to interfere, yet the same left wing people today believe they are correct to tell other countries what to do. For me, they have no credibility. For me I will take no notice when they tell us what words we can or cannot use. Or how we should think and act. In truth I do not care. But then again I do not spend my time being a smart arse telling others how to live then when it comes down to it, taking cash over your beliefs then trying to justify it by a lot of drivel that no one buys.

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