
1 year ago

300 gr biscuits
150 butter at room temperature
200g dark chocolate
2 eggs
100g sugar
Coarsely crumble the biscuits, melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Whip the butter to cream, then add the sugar and eggs. Mix until you get a smooth and homogeneous cream. Add the warmed melted chocolate to the egg and butter mixture, once the mixture is homogeneous add the biscuits. Put the mixture on a sheet of parchment paper and give it a regular cylindrical shape with the help of a spatula. Once the shape is obtained, roll up the parchment paper to form a cylinder, tighten the sides well. Leave to rest for 4 hours in the fridge, once hardened remove the parchment paper and cover it with icing sugar, cut the salami into slices and serve

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