We are enrolling 'Points of Invincibility' project all over Ukraine – Zelenskyy

1 year ago

Nov 23, 2022
President Zelenskyy announced the social project 'Points of Invincibility' where Ukrainians could get basic services: warm-up, eat and access the Internet.
'If massive Russian strikes take place again and if there is an understanding that the electricity supply cannot be restored within hours, the work of "Points of Invincibility" will be activated - all basic services will be there, including electricity, mobile communications and the Internet, heat, water, and a first-aid kit. Absolutely free and 24/7' – the President said. 'I am grateful to the partners for these important steps of solidarity. Due to such decisions of our friends, we maintain social stability and, despite all the Russian strikes, fulfil our social obligations. And these are obligations to millions of people' – the head of the state noted after a vital package of macro-financial support has been approved by the partners of Ukraine

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