Session 5: Dan Phillips - Charismaticism: A Different Biblical Approach

1 year ago

By Dan Phillips, Pastor | Nov 19, 2022 | Cessationist Conference
Description: In Galatians, Paul models one excellent way to counter false teaching, whether legalism or Charismaticism: frontal, critical, hammer, and tongs. Paul unmasks the Judaizers as contrary to the Bible in general and the Gospel in particular. Elsewhere, however, the apostle deploys a different weapon from his arsenal. It is that dynamic tactic that will be our focus. | Worksheet:—-A-Different-Biblical-Approach-outline.pdf
About Speaker: Dan Philips Pastor/Teacher, Copperfield Bible Church
The Lord saved Dan in 1973, when he was deeply involved in a cult. Dan began training for pastoral ministry not long after conversion which, after taking him through various training institutes, culminated in 1983 with a Master of Divinity from Talbot Theological Seminary. After that, he taught at Talbot and other Bible institutes and colleges, and has pastored at various times from 1984 on. Dan married Valerie in March of 1989. They have four children: Rachael, Matthew, Josiah, and Jonathan. Dan’s ministry at CBC marks his return to full-time pastoral work after a hiatus working in the IT world. Dan appreciates the insight that this has given into the lives and schedules led by most of those he serves. In the interim, Dan developed an online blogging ministry including the popular Pyromaniacs blog.
In 2011 two of Dan’s books were published: The World-Tilting Gospel and God’s Wisdom in Proverbs. Dan was installed as pastor on March 18, 2012.
More information about Dan, the ministry to which God has entrusted him, and contact information may be found on his website:
The Cessationist Conference was made in cooperation with the upcoming Cessationist Film From the makers of the films Calvinist and Logic on Fire. More information at:

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