Stew Peters ‘Died Suddenly’ Movie - Another Controlled Opposition Psyop! Documented! [23.11.2022]

2 years ago

Note: Yeah SURPRICE, I just get this from Dr Amandha Vollmer's Telegram:
"Yet again, the truth community infiltrator Stupiders, has made a mess. It looks like at least we're getting wiser to it."

The ‘Died Suddenly’ Psy-Op – A Tiny Bit of Truth Mixed with a Whole Lot of Lies!

By Joachim Bartoll / November 23, 2022.

Remember “Watch the Water” by Stew Peters and his crew?

Yes, the ridiculous and stupid “documentary” about ‘Covid-19’ being “snake venom” put in the water supply, and how they were frantically searching for a way to detox from said venom.

Yeah, some people actually fell for that insane idea and shared that video.

I did a quick post about it here:

Now, the sinister controlled opposition behind ‘Watch the Water’ are back with another psy-op to lure in the slumbering anti-vaxxers and those slowly waking up.

No-one outside this ‘community’ will watch it.

Only the unvaccinated will.

The slumbering 70 percent or so of the big masses, who really need to wake up will not watch it.

Even if they get the video thrown in their face, their programming will kick in as it has all the hallmarks of a conspiracy theorist movie, and they will move on to something else.

And that is part of the psy-op, to keep it within the ‘community’ of half-woke slumbering “truthers” and anti-vaxxers.

To strengthen Stew Peters and his crew’s position among their gullible fans as it looks like they are exposing the ‘sudden death’ phenomenon – all while stroking the ego of those who see themselves as ‘pure bloods,’ whom can now point a finger at the sheep shouting, “I told you so, you are now dying in droves.”

And here’s a good post about the numerology and gematria behind this release.
Stew Peters released his documentary exactly 33 weeks 3 days after his birthday, which is on April Fools Day, of all days.

Shownotes and links and read more here:


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