Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty...

1 year ago

WHY does no one ever understand that "We the People" have NO representation in the so called "government"!!?? Both the so called "government", "congress", whatever, they are CORPORATE LACKEYS! The US is a Rothschild CORPORATION!!!!!!!!!! And NOT A SINGLE CORPORATION IS RUN BY A GOVERNMENT!!!!! There are NO "Americans"!!! You are ALL US CITIZENS. Rothschild owned tax cattle!! CORPORATE LEGAL FICTIONS!!

LEGAL IS NOT LAWFUL! & Hell..!!! From the LEGAL point of view, this is not even a crime against humanity, since, in daily life, everyone consents to be a dead corporate legal fiction! A contract!! The "Birth" certificate!! THIS IS WHY THIS SHAM IS STILL RUNNING, BECAUSE NO ONE SEEMS TO COMPREHEND OR ACCEPT THIS!

Health Ranger Report Published November 22, 2022

Source: https://rumble.com/v1whkua-dr.-francis-boyle-issues-urgent-warning-about-who-pandemic-treaty....html

Dr. Francis Boyle issues URGENT WARNING about WHO pandemic treaty designed to enslave & exterminate humanity

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