Why does flat earth matter?

1 year ago

The cost is your immortal soul
The globalists have convinced everyone that there are no souls, that you don't matter, that nothing does.
They say you're a hologram in a simulation, basically a refraction. An alopecia ape flying at 6 miles a second in space on a meaningless accident of a ball that there are an infinite amount of copies of. They mock you with their super computer simulations and equations that never add up, they dare you to search for your God in one of the many galaxies they made up trillions of miles away, all while they bilk capitalism for what it's worth in Hollywood, commercials, movies, kid's programming.
NASA gets 65 million dollars a day to peddle this hiring more graphics designers than Disney.
We do have souls, you do matter.
They censor and try to humiliate you into compliance.

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