Mostapha Al-Turk On Healing Hip Pain

1 year ago

write to Susanne at

SCENAR is one of the most advanced pieces of pain relief treatment technology currently available.

It is a revolutionary bio-electrical medical device used by healthcare professionals to treat acute and chronic pain, sports injuries, arthritis, back pains, inflammations and a growing list of other conditions.

It stands for Self-controlling Energy Neuro Adaptive Regulator and was originally designed for Russian cosmonauts and is now used in many Russian hospitals and rehabilitation clinics.

Developed by an elite team of doctors and scientists to keep cosmonauts in optimum health during space travel, it is now the treatment of choice by an increasing number of world-class athletes and medical professionals.

It is highly effective in all forms of pain relief including neck and back pain, sports injuries, whiplash, fractures, arthritis, RSI, IBS, burns and aching joints.

The hip is a phenomenal joint. They unite two powerful creatures - the upper and lower body - into one being. Joint at the hip man became the first powerful predator who could run on two feet whilst throwing weapons at the prey.

The hip or pelvic girdle is the linchpin of our upright posture, without the pelvis the spine would be horizontal.

The pelvis can bend and straighten and is built to endure incredible injuries while safeguarding essential functions.

Yet hip pain has become relatively common most of it is blamed on ageing and is usually diagnosed as arthritis which basically means inflammation.

The inflammation is caused by misalignment of the shoulders, hips, knees and ankles which necessitate a compensating movement in the hip joint.

The key to getting rid of the pain in the hip is to let the body return to the design gift

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