Seven Curses to Come on America

1 year ago

Seven Curses to Come on America
(31st July, 2020)

The United States of America is currently the single most powerful, most prosperous nation in the world. Yet Bible prophecy says plainly that the United States’ days on the world stage are coming to a close.

Join us right now on Tomorrow’s World as we explain the coming end of America.

Greetings, and welcome to Tomorrow’s World.

Our program today concerns the future of the United States of America. But, by extension, it concerns the future of the whole world. While the events predicted by Bible prophecy will strike the United States and certain other nations in a powerful way, prophecy ALSO says that those events will eventually grow to encompass the entire earth. Every human being in every country on every continent in the world will feel the impact of the things to come—and life on planet Earth will never be the same.

During today’s program, we’ll also offer you our free DVD “The Rise and Fall of Britain and America.” This DVD contains a three part series by evangelist Gerald Weston, as he explains the divine plan behind the rise of the English-speaking peoples of the world and what is guaranteed to be the source of their downfall. It ISN’T what many people think.

For today, we will focus on the United States. And depending on your perspective, the U.S. may or may not seem like a nation on the brink of destruction and desolation. Consider… By most measures, the U.S. still possesses the most powerful economy in the world, with a Gross Domestic Product of approximately 22 TRILLION DOLLARS at the end of 2019—a level far beyond even the closest national competitors. And its military might, too, is also unsurpassed.

Of course, the U.S. is also a nation experiencing quite a bit of turmoil of late. It’s politics—and its politicians—are as nasty and contentious as they have ever been—a rage matched by many of its citizens. News casts regularly show scenes of riotous Antifa members, extreme alt-right mobs, and protesting college students seeking to silence opposing viewpoints with anger, fury, and even violence.

Yet the REAL problems of the United States of America are NOT political or economic in nature, and there will NOT be a political or economic solution to fix them! Such problems are only the SYMPTOMS!

Fundamentally, America’s problems are SPIRITUAL IN NATURE! The United States is staring at a future of GUARANTEED DESTRUCTION, not because of political or economic policy, but because of the pervasiveness of NATIONAL SINS! And until those SPIRITUAL PROBLEMS ARE CURED—until those SINS ARE REPENTED OF—there can be NO HOPE FOR THE NATION!

“Now, what national sins?,” you may ask. Frankly, there are far too many to list on this short program! Our free DVD today, “The Rise and Fall of Britain and America,” adds additional detail, but let us take a brief survey…

Consider America’s current obsession with ABORTION. According to the Guttmacher Institute—an organization that is generally POSITIVE about abortion—more than 2,300 children were aborted in the United States every day in 2017—about one every 38 seconds. Not counting miscarriages, EIGHTEEN PERCENT of pregnancies in America end in an abortion. Turns out that, in the United States, one of the most dangerous places for a child to be is in his mother’s womb (“Induced Abortion in the United States,” September 2019 Fact sheet,

Or consider pornography. According to, the United States, alone, produces 60% of the world’s pornographic websites—around 428 MILLION web pages (“Porn Stats: Which Country Produces And Hosts The Most Porn?,”, November 22, 2017). That’s more than one unique pornographic webpage for every human being in the country, regardless of age or gender.

Then there’s the state of marriage. Once understood to be a sacred and life-long commitment between a man and a woman, and the proper place for sexual relations and the rearing of children, marriage is now barely even a social contract. At the end of 2019, the Pew Research Center reported that more than 85% of American adults say that it is perfectly acceptable if a man and woman live together outside of marriage—in fact, 69% of American adults said that this is acceptable even if the couple NEVER plans to marry (“Marriage and Cohabitation in the U.S.,”, November 6, 2019).

But how can we expect marriage to remain sacred when America is confused on every related front? From gender roles to gender identity itself, the United States is in a growing state of utter confusion.

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Note: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!


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